Mar 9, 2017

How to Spring Clean Your Car in Charlotte, NCSpring is a good time of year to start fresh. Giving your car a spring cleaning will get all the winter grime out and prepare your vehicle for all that summer traveling. Here are some tips on how to spring clean your car and get it looking almost like new.

Start by Emptying It Out

It is easy to let the junk pile up in your car. When you want to do a thorough spring cleaning, you can start by getting rid of any trash and items you just don’t need to carry with you anymore. Make sure to check the floors and under the seats for any old wrappers and forgotten french fries, and empty out all the storage bins so you can clean them and give them a fresh start. Also, don’t forget the trunk. If you carry around extra blankets or winter items in the trunk, this is the time to put them in the shed or garage until next winter.

Scrub the Carpet

Cleaning the carpet might take a couple of steps. You’ll want to vacuum up any loose dirt and grime, and then take a firm brush or one of the vacuum tools to loosen any of the stuck-on dirt before vacuuming it again. Don’t forget to take the floor mats out and clean the carpets underneath, too. A lot of the dirt tends to settle down under the mats, so you’ll want to make sure you get it all.

Clean the Seats and Fabric

Use a hot, wet cloth to clean the upholstery fabric of the seats. This will help remove the salt and grime that transfers from your jackets to the seats throughout the winter. Don’t use fabric cleaners because these will just add a filmy coat to the surface of the seat. If you have a stubborn stain, try some dish soap and hot water to remove it. You can also use the vacuum to get in the creases of the seats to remove any crumbs and loose dirt.

Use Windex

Wipe down the insides of the windows using window cleaner. You can also use this on all your mirrors both inside and out. Don’t forget the rearview mirror, too. This can get just as dirty as the outside mirrors, so you want to make sure you wipe it down.

Check Under the Hood

Don’t forget to look under the hood of the car. Remove any leaves or sticks that have worked their way under there, so they don’t get stuck in the engine parts, and you can wipe down the edges around the outside of the engine. You don’t need to clean the engine yourself completely; a professional should do this if you want it done correctly.

Giving your car a thorough once-over in the spring is a good way to get rid of the winter salt and grime. It is good for the car and good for you, as well. After all, who doesn’t like driving a fresh, clean-as-new car?
