Jul 13, 2015

car-sear-safety-tips-for-young-childrenIt can be confusing for parents looking to keep their young children safe in the car. The number of available car seats can make choosing the right one for a young child a challenge. With the pressure of ensuring the seat is secured in the car and your child is safe inside the seat, we want to offer these tips for increasing the safety of young children in car seats.

Use Rear-Facing Car Seats

Children under the age of two are recommended to be seated in a rear-facing car seat. Rear-facing seats cradle your child’s head, neck, and spine in the event of an accident. Those sitting in forward-facing seats are more likely to be injured during a crash.

Rear-facing safety seats should be reclined at an angle recommended by the manufacturer. This prevents your child’s head from falling forward during the drive.

Secure the Car Seat in the Back Seat

Rear-facing and forward-facing child car seats should be placed in the back seat for optimal safety. This keeps your child away from any airbags that may inflate and cause injuries. If you are using only one car seat, place it in the center seat of the back seat if possible. This placement reduces the chance of injuries in the event of a crash.

Be Wary of Used Car Seats

While purchasing a used car seat may be less expensive, make sure you have all the information about that particular safety seat. Determine whether the seat has been recalled, is over six years old, or is missing parts. Avoid purchasing a used car seat unless it comes with instructions and the manufacturer’s label.

If a used car seat has been involved in an accident, it may not adequately protect a child. The plastic of the seat might be weakened from the impact even if there does not appear to be signs of damage.
