Jan 5, 2017

Five Helpful Tools to Keep in Your Car This WinterIf you’re planning to take a road trip during the winter season or you spend a good amount of time in your car, it’s important to keep these tools available for safety. It’s hard to think about the worst-case scenario, but if something does happen, you’ll be glad to have your winter safety kit.

Jumper Cables

The cold temperatures during the winter months can wreak serious havoc on your car battery. If you find that your car just won’t start after a particularly chilly night, grab your jumper cables and ask someone for a jump. You can also pick up a full battery charging unit, although this item is more expensive than a basic set of cables.

Supplies for Warmth

If your battery dies or you experience other car trouble during the wintertime, you’ll need things to keep you and your passengers warm until you can get help. Keep some extra winter clothing items, like coats, sweaters or sweatshirts, thick socks, sweatpants, gloves, and hats in the trunk in a couple of sizes. You may also want to toss a few blankets in the car.

Communication Devices

It’s important to have ways to communicate with others so you can call for help if needed. Keep a car-compatible cell phone charger in the vehicle at all times or opt for a fully charged cell phone that you never remove from your car. You may also want to pick up a hand radio that you can crank for power if needed, since you could end up without power in an emergency. Listen to the radio for the weather forecast to help you know what to expect in the next few hours.

Snow Removal Supplies

Even if you don’t experience a winter emergency, it’s still smart to have supplies for snow removal and clearing available. An ice scraper with an attached brush allows you to clear the snow and ice from your windows, improving visibility and making it safer to drive. You may also want to keep a small hand shovel in the car, since this can help you dig a space around your tires if you get stuck in a big snowdrift. Keep a pair of gloves with the shovel to keep your hands warm when you’re digging in the snow.

Food and Water

If you get stranded somewhere during a big storm, your body can only survive for so long without any water or food. It’s also a lot more miserable to wait for help if you don’t have anything to eat. Keep a few water bottles and some non-perishable snacks in your trunk. It’s smart to keep things like beef jerky, trail mix, and granola bars, since these are higher in protein than other options and can help keep you full longer.

If you live somewhere that gets really cold overnight, you may want to skip the water bottles since they’re likely to freeze and explode.

Protect yourself and your loved ones by having these necessities in your car throughout the winter months.

Image from Pixabay licensed under CC BY 2.0
